29. Video: CASE Statements

11 CASE V2

CASE - Expert Tip

  • The CASE statement always goes in the SELECT clause.

  1. CASE must include the following components: WHEN, THEN, and END. ELSE is an optional component to catch cases that didn’t meet any of the other previous CASE conditions.

  2. You can make any conditional statement using any conditional operator (like WHERE) between WHEN and THEN. This includes stringing together multiple conditional statements using AND and OR.

  3. You can include multiple WHEN statements, as well as an ELSE statement again, to deal with any unaddressed conditions.


In a quiz question in the previous Basic SQL lesson, you saw this question:

  1. Create a column that divides the standard_amt_usd by the standard_qty to find the unit price for standard paper for each order. Limit the results to the first 10 orders, and include the id and account_id fields. NOTE - you will be thrown an error with the correct solution to this question. This is for a division by zero. You will learn how to get a solution without an error to this query when you learn about CASE statements in a later section.

Let's see how we can use the CASE statement to get around this error.

SELECT id, account_id, standard_amt_usd/standard_qty AS unit_price
FROM orders

Now, let's use a CASE statement. This way any time the standard_qty is zero, we will return 0, and otherwise we will return the unit_price.

SELECT account_id, CASE WHEN standard_qty = 0 OR standard_qty IS NULL THEN 0
                        ELSE standard_amt_usd/standard_qty END AS unit_price
FROM orders

Now the first part of the statement will catch any of those division by zero values that were causing the error, and the other components will compute the division as necessary. You will notice, we essentially charge all of our accounts 4.99 for standard paper. It makes sense this doesn't fluctuate, and it is more accurate than adding 1 in the denominator like our quick fix might have been in the earlier lesson.

You can try it yourself using the environment below.


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